Jim and Kappy Robinette



Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.” James 1:27 NKJV.

“Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” Matthew 28:20 NKJV.

Through the years Jesus our Lord and Savior has led us into various ministries of teaching, training and preaching in conjunction with ministries of compassion and mercy. This has included church planting, children's ministry, leadership training and development, outreach to street kids, outreach to prisoners, outreach to the HIV+, itinerant preaching and teaching and radio sermons. Our goal has been to establish and model ministries of compassion with the poor and then train the people in these areas of ministry and through the training encourage them to develop their own ministries. We focus most of our efforts on urban outreach, though not exclusively. We have served Christ in full time ministry since 1994 and as cross cultural missionaries (primarily in East Africa) since 2004. Jesus has given us a love for Africans and a zeal to see souls saved and served. The Lord called us to the country of Uganda, now we have rebased to the USA. Kappy continues to write and pray from our new base while Jim continues in full time ministry overseeing the work overseas. Jim travels overseas about 4 times a year or so. We serve other African nations and at times beyond Africa. The need for ministry to the peoples of the nations is urgent. Matthew 25 and Isaiah 58 compel us. Our vision to reach the Africans in evangelism, discipleship and development for salvation and life transformation is primarily through our ministry components of compassionate outreach as we teach, preach and train leaders who will then lead their people for the Kingdoms advancement.

Learn more about our work at: www.missionafricajk.net.