Patrick and Lisa O'Brien Lubulwa


Lisa serves with The Shepherd Center in southwestern Uganda. The Shepherd Center has been a program focusing on street boys of Kabale town since 2010. Some of the boys in the program live on-site, and others have been rehabilitated with their families with the assistance of TSC. It is a beautiful picture of God's redemptive work, one child at a time.

Lisa grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and is a member of her sending church, Village Bible Church. After high school, she attended Cornerstone University in Michigan. In Illinois, she worked as a public high school teacher for seven years before heading to Africa.

Over the years, missions have been a part of Lisa's life in various ways. She has been on many short-term trips as a student, adult, and youth leader within the USA and abroad. After college, she lived in Mexico, serving at an orphanage for six months. Years later, Lisa took her first trip to Uganda in 2010. Little did she know that those five weeks would eventually lead her to full-time ministry. She has served in Uganda since 2013.

In January of 2021, Lisa and Patrick were married in Uganda. Patrick has been actively serving in Christian schools and a children's program in Uganda. He is well known in his community as a godly example to many. Patrick is happy to support Lisa in her ministry at TSC and develop a Christ-centered family together.

For many years Lisa has fostered twins Simon and Solomon with the hope of adopting them. Patrick has joined Lisa in this pursuit. Additionally, in November of 2021, God blessed this family with a baby boy: Micah. 

When Lisa first started exploring the possibility of moving to Uganda—and ever since it became a reality—she has clung to the words that God spoke to Joshua as he was taking over the leadership of the Israelites:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9