Samuel and Leslie Kawooya (Gore)



Samuel and Leslie have been serving God together in Uganda, Africa since 2017. They have a one year old daughter named Zoe, and a six year old foster son named Phillip, who they have been in the process of adopting for over five years.

 Sam and Leslie started up Revive Ministries Uganda after seeing a huge need for impoverished children to be able to attend school. They believe wholeheartedly that the two keys to true and lasting transformation in families who live in poverty are knowing Jesus, and being educated. People knowing Jesus leads to changed lives, a new sense of hope, and restored relationships. Educating children and adults breaks the chains of poverty found within these families.

Over 50% of Ugandans over age 15 haven't completed their primary school, and the average age of people in Uganda is 16 years old. Uganda is a very young country, and the future of Uganda rests on the children. If someone can't read, write, do basic mathematics or speak English, the available job opportunities for them are significantly lessened, and within the job opportunities they may qualify for, the pay wouldn't be enough to sustain a family. Thus the cycle of poverty would continue. Leslie and Sam are passionate about seeing poverty stop in its tracks, for God’s glory!

 The largest aspect of their ministry is their child sponsorship program, where children in need attend school daily, receive medical care, and are given two meals daily. Sam and Leslie also run an empowerment program for adults and a medical assistance program.