Jason and Lisa



On their first date Jason told Lisa his plans to go back to Kenya as a missionary. Having grown up on the mission field, Jason’s thoughts of returning as an adult were expected; for Lisa it was a whole new idea. Together they have learned obedience through faith in God.

Not one to demand his own way, Jason waited on the Lord’s timing to return to Kenya for many years. Having originally thought they would join a church planting team among unreached people in Africa, Lisa was relieved to hear that there was a need for dorm parents at a missionary boarding school in Kenya where they eventually began their mission career in 2001. A so called ‘soft landing’ (as referred to in cross cultural experiences) served to stretch their faith, marriage and limited parenting skills, as they served 5th and 6th grade missionary kids (MK’s) and their families.

Jason’s understanding of Kenyan culture and language coupled with Lisa’s desire to bring refreshment and encouragement made them good candidates for Tony Gibson, founder of Heart of the Bride ministries, who was looking for a family to establish a base camp in Kenya in 2006. Miraculously the Lord provided the perfect place to host small mission teams, encourage their ministry partner and raise their family in community. This phase of their journey challenged their ideals as they grappled with orphan care, business as mission, boarding school for their children, and assisting to lead a small International Church.

Through relationship with Dick and Jennifer Brogden, Jason and Lisa were introduced to Live Dead in 2014. (A mission movement to plant churches among unreached people groups through teams.) Through exposure to the need for laborers among the unreached the Lord began his call on their lives to go.

During their years with Heart of the Bride, Jason and Lisa were taught that the life of a Christ follower is lived out ‘in the process’ by taking continual steps of faith regardless of the pros and cons. The years that followed tested their trust in Gods timing and His plans for their children as they stepped out in faith believing that He was asking them to transition to a new ministry. Along the way the Lord gave them this assurance, You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Isaiah 55:12

Interestingly Jason and Lisa’s journey in missions began with an opportunity to work with unreached people in Africa and 20 years later, Lord willing, they will be moving north from Kenya to begin language and cultural training with Live Dead in August 2018.