Matt and Kait Kaeb


The Kaeb family has been serving in Chiang Mai, Thailand since 2017 where they are seeking to make God’s unchallenged glory known. They are business owners at Expat Homes, a property management and real estate company. Expat Homes exists to be a light in the midst of darkness and provide natural opportunities to be involved in the lives of Thai people. Whether through practicing biblical principles, serving their employees or being good stewards, the aim is to have an intentional Kingdom impact on everyone they come into contact with.

The Kaeb’s spent the first two years in full-time language acquisition, which now enables them to pursue relationships within the Thai community to a much fuller extent. God has given Matt and Kait a love for the local church, and they are excited about continually growing in their committing to, serving, and using the specific gifts God has given each of them to share Christ and disciple others toward a pursuit of holiness in their individual and collective walks with the Lord. By God’s grace, they hope to see the local church grow, not only in numbers but also in it’s depth of knowing God.

They are joined in Thailand by their three children: Judson (5), Tyndale (2), and Nessa (1).

“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” ~ John Piper