Christine Adair


Christine will join her friends Dr. Daniel & Tracy Daves, Directors of Global Food Providers (GFP) in Northern Panama.

She is excited to step into her role of developing the children's feeding programs and ministries under GFP. These programs offer healthy meals and interactive Bible lessons to children and their families, allowing them to connect with the gospel message and experience God’s love.

 Her deep-seated passion for children knowing their identity in Jesus and ministering to others comes from her story. At 12 years old, Christine’s 10-year-old cousin led her to the Lord.

 When she was a teenager attending a youth conference, she was moved by images of children from various nations and cultures that were displayed on a screen. This experience stirred something within her, and she realized that she was being called by God to devote her life to missionary work.

 At the age of 22, she moved to Costa Rica, where she served as a full-time missionary for 13 years. During those years, she worked closely with the Daves. Now, she is thrilled to reunite with her friends and serve with them in a new country.