Rebecca Sanden


Rebecca Sanden is a Canadian missionary from Kamloops, B.C., serving in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. For the last three years, she has been involved in discipleship evangelism through the avenue of English, working on the leadership team of EWay Ministry ( under a local church. Through a Christian English school and a weekly speaking club for youth and adults with Ukrainian volunteers and a few North American missionaries working together, EWay provides a place for Ukrainians who want to learn English for use in their work or study. It also opens opportunities to discuss what is truly important. Rebecca recently expanded her work to facilitate the spiritual growth of the ~40 volunteers working with EWay by creating, training, and encouraging smaller discipleship groups.

 Much of this ministry has changed since the war broke out in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.  As a result, many students, teachers, and volunteers had to leave the country. As a result, the local church has become a 24/7 refugee center.

 Rebecca and the other missionaries with EWay are working every day to practically demonstrate Jesus’ love through crisis care for internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and other volunteers and continuing their relationships with those who have left.