PILAS – Guatemala


Internship with PILAS

In Guatemala, a PILA (pronounced pee-lah) is a term used to identify someone with great potential; a go-getter, bright, eager to succeed in life.
There are many ‘PILAS’ in rural Guatemala who don’t have the opportunities to develop their God-given talents, intelligence and leadership abilities because of poor economic conditions, discrimination against their indigenous heritage, and family situations.
PILAS (Preparando e Inspirando Líderes Adolescentes de Sumpango) exists to reach adolescents, impact lives, and transform communities. We aspire to help raise up a generation of world shakers and changers!

Our Internship Program gives you the opportunity to:

  • serve with us for one month or longer to fulfill this vision

  • to learn what it’s like to be a full-time missionary

  • to serve by loving others in practical ways

  • to share the love of Jesus as you build relationships, teach English, support the tutoring & mentorship program, lead a Bible study, host a community event, teach a talent, help the local schools with small maintenance projects, etc.

Visit www.pilas.ca for more information or email gerry.normand@hotmail.com.
