
This couple serves among refugees and immigrants in the USA. As they welcome newly arrived individuals, and families from many countries, they work with churches, refugee receiving organizations, and Christian businesses to create opportunities to display and proclaim the love of Christ in the context of relationships.

Whether it’s their first days in the USA when newcomers arrive with many needs, or long after they have integrated into their new community, the opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ are natural and abundant.

Beyond their personal outreach efforts, this couple is committed to the recruitment, training and encouragement of other Believers in their area
to develop purposeful relationships among those from the unreached world in their own backyard.

For many years this couple has been involved in evangelism, discipling and church planting among those from countries with very little opportunity to hear about the hope available through Jesus Christ.

This couple has been continually humbled and grateful for the faithfulness of those who pray and give — enabling, encouraging, and blessing them in this ministry on a daily basis.