Larry and Laura Smith



Larry and Laura Smith both came to faith later in life. They have been faith based missionaries since 1994 when they first went to Saint Petersburg Russia where the Lord called them into Jewish missions. During the 14 ½ years they were there the Lord used them to establish two Messiah Congregations, a Beth Ariel Center, where they provided Bible studies, Hebrew classes and English classes in their Evangelization and Training Center. They also translated books, Messianic Bible Studies, and tracts from English into Russian. These are used throughout the world for the evangelization and discipleship of the Jewish and Russian speaking believers.

As disciples were made and leaders established the Smiths encouraged the new believers to use their gifts and to serve the Lord through the congregations and the Beth Ariel Center. The work has resulted in sending out pastors, missionaries, Shabbat and Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, worship leaders and Bible teachers throughout the world.

With leadership established the Smiths sought the Lord for their next assignment and were sent to Germany where for over 18 months Larry served as the Pastor of an International Church and they continued to take the Good News of Messiah to the Jewish Community. Once again they saw much fruit and those discipled are now serving the Lord in many capacities throughout Europe and beyond.


Home Church: Kehilat HaMashiah, Portland, Oregon