Taeko Bronner



Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Taeko and her deceased husband, Scott first met in an international fellowship, were missionaries in Japan 12 years and then came full circle 20 years later starting a weekly Friday International Gathering (FIG) in their home.  It is open to any international: students, immigrants, refugees….

Scott passed away unexpectedly in August 2013 but Taeko continues to do this ministry because God put this vision not only her husbands heart but also in her heart.

She is well-networked in the Japanese community in Lancaster, hosting a Japanese womens prayer meeting and encouraging outreach to Non-Christian Japanese.  More Japanese come to Christ outside of Japan than within in the country in any given year, and the same is true of other nationalities where there is social or other pressure against Christianity, so the opportunity is great.

Taekos goal is to mobilize Christians to reach out to Internationals here in the U.S.  whether that be at an international gathering or through building friendships. At the gathering she makes the atmosphere welcoming for all, and seeks to train Christians to invite people outside the gathering for the chance to share more deeply.  Christmas, Easter, and small group topics on culture and life give a chance for spiritual input.   Her prayer is both for International and U.S. Christians to encourage one another and for folks to come to Christ and be planted in a healthy church.  Leviticus 19:34 sums it up nicely:“Foreigners living among you will be like your own people. Love them as you love yourself”

Home Church:Worship Center, PA