

In obedience to the Word and the desires God placed in their hearts, servantsZL is committed to spending their lives sharing the Kingdom of God wherever the Lord leads them. Their journey began with Romans 15:20 being the cry of their hearts and the love of Jesus, their motivation.

They continue serving with the desire of seeing lives transformed and the Saints equipped to fulfill their part of His Great Commission.

 For the past decade, ServantsZL have lived among the nearly 2 billion unreached people of South Asia. They serve the Lord by establishing and managing Kingdom businesses that engage some of the most unreached people groups, sharing the GOSPEL and DISCIPLING new believers, and TRAINING cross-cultural workers in language, culture, identity, and strategy.

 They are grateful for your support and pray that the Lord blessed you for partnering with them in your love, prayers, and support in seeing His Kingdom come to the most unreached parts of our world.

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