Michael and Karen Madsen


Michael and Karen Madsen have been serving as full-time missionaries in Guaimaca, Honduras at Orphanage Emmanuel since 2014. The orphanage has been a safe haven for at-risk children for over 30 years, providing a home, food, clothing, loving arms, and most importantly, the opportunity to meet and know Jesus in their lives. Michael and Karen joined as staff to bring two new programs to the orphanage to help prepare the children for their eventual return to living in communities outside the orphanage as adults.

Using his skills as a high school Building Construction Instructor, Michael has, with the help of visiting teams and volunteers, facilitated the construction and start-up of a vocational school at the orphanage to teach carpentry skills.

Karen’s focus continues on skill building for the young adults to support the development of Christian values for healthy relationships. The addition of an early stimulation program for infants from 0 to 5 years old provides significant developmental enrichment to encourage physical, mental and social growth to develop critical functional learning skills.

God continues to guide and direct their ministry as they seek his will for their role in building bridges for the children of Orphanage Emmanuel to go out and bring Christ’s light into the world.