Adam and Hannah Anderson


The Andersons serve at Vida Nueva, Nueva Esperanza in Parras de la Fuente, in the state of Coahuila, Mexico. Vida Nueva is a children’s Home that takes in needy children from the impoverished small towns near Parras, providing a safe place to live, access to education (covering school costs including tuition, books, tutoring, uniforms, etc.), and most importantly: encounters with the Gospel. Not only are these children needy in a financial way, but they also come from broken homes and have single parents or extended family as caregivers. In each case, the children have vital needs going unmet. Because we desire the children to maintain strong ties with their families and culture, they go home over the weekend and during the summer break. Adam and Hannah serve alongside the national directors, Jenrri and Glenda Rios, to provide for the needs of the children. They focus on the spiritual and emotional health of each and every child in the Home. The Andersons dream of seeing these children go out into their communities as fully equipped disciples of Christ who go on to disciple others. To that end, they are praying for and training up children to fully depend on and follow God’s lordship in their lives.

Another important aspect of the Andersons’ ministry is their partnership with Candelario Natarén Santos, a local pastor, and church planter, to leave No Place Left in Mexico that has not been reached with the Gospel of Christ. Candelario is the pastor of a local church and has begun a number of church plants within a day’s drive of Parras. The Andersons are growing into a position of transportation, coordination, and communication between church plants in the remote ranches and towns. They look forward to seeing many lives transformed by the Gospel! To God alone be all glory and power and majesty!