Brittany Blackburn


Brittany will join The Hugos in the southern Philippines. The goal will be to establish a dive business, train locals, provide jobs for the rescued women, financially support a safehouse, with the ultimate goal to lead Filipinos to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Brittany will be providing her extensive experience in the diving business. Brittany can start and operate the diving company (the school/shop/resort) in Mindanao and run it whenever Pia and Albert have to return to the US. Brittany would, in a sense, be the consistent “boots-on-the-ground” working alongside the local ministry team to carry on the dual ministries of the school and the diving company. Pia has been partnering with an international anti-trafficking organization called Exodus Road. While her local partners who work for Exodus Road primarily deal with the “rescue” part of their program—the ministries in Dalipuga would be more about the “prevention” part (educating the children so they are not forced to become sex workers), as well as, the part involving “trauma after-care and healing.” All the while incorporating the love of Christ into every aspect of the program, of course.