Caleb and Amy Eby


God has led Caleb & Amy to serve in Japan, specifically the area of Gifu and the surrounding Tokai region, and has given them a passion and vision to see a discipleship movement unfold in a country where believers make up roughly 0.4% of the population. In partnership with the “No Place Left Japan” network they seek to train believers in reproducible discipleship to implant the DNA of disciple-making in the hearts of new (and old) believers. Their desire is to empower Japanese believers to reach their own communities by making disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded them. In short, their vision is to see self-multiplying disciples, which in turn produces self-multiplying churches. Gifu is one of the least reached parts of Japan with about 1 to 2 believers for every 1,000 people. In addition, there are several small cities that are unchurched or have only one church to bear witness for Jesus. Despite being a first world nation with a very educated population, the vast majority of Japanese have never heard the gospel explained to them even once. Despite this, Caleb & Amy firmly believe that Japan IS INDEED ripe for the harvest. Please prayerfully consider partnering with them in seeing the Japanese harvest come in.