Chad and Kara Mia Dexter


Chad and Kara Mia have been serving in Manila, Philippines for over three years. They love the Filipino people and their passion is for strengthening the church and equipping pastors with sound doctrine and the skills necessary for preaching God’s Word.

In their local church, Chad models Biblical exposition from the pulpit and serves as pastor for member care. Much of the Dexters’ ministry takes place in their home where they host meals, Bible studies, and other special events. They have seen numerous fruitful relationships emerge from these informal gatherings.

During the week, Chad serves on the faculty of Evangelical Leadership Institute of Asia (ELI-Asia). Started by local ministers, ELI-Asia enables Christian leaders to acquire theological and ministerial education equivalent to those offered in Bible colleges, in their own cities, without leaving their full-time Christian vocations.

Classes are held daily in partnering churches in Manila and in the surrounding provinces. It has been a joy for Chad and Kara Mia to come alongside this ministry and to witness the impact it has made in local congregations and communities through equipping pastors to faithfully proclaim God’s Word.