Oscar and Karla Chiquito


A close examination of Christianity in Latin America reveals some concerning and seemingly contradictory findings. On the one hand, 92% of the population in Latin America claims to be Christian (Center for the Study of Global Christianity). In addition, Christians in Latin America tend to pray more frequently, attend religious services more regularly, and consider being religious to be very important in their lives (Pew Research Center). However, Latin America is also the most violent region in the world. Home to less than 9% of the world's population, it generates 33% of recorded homicides, making it the region with the highest murder rate in the world (Inter-American Development Bank).

Guatemala is no exception. A predominantly Christian country, with a 42% Protestant population and 46% Catholic, it is nevertheless steeped in social problems such as corruption and drug trafficking, problems that have intruded into the Evangelical Church. In light of these pervasive social problems, the primary question that arises is this: Where are those followers of Jesus who are called to be the salt and the light of the world? A. W. Tozer wrote, “A right conception of God is basic not only to systematic theology but to practical Christian livings as well. It is to worship what the foundation is to the temple; where it is inadequate or out of plumb the whole structure must sooner or later collapse.” The lack of a solid biblical foundation is the main reason why Christianity in Latin America is very wide but also very shallow. In order for Christians to be the salt and light of the world, it is imperative to establish a solid biblical foundation so that they can have the right understanding of God, the gospel, and the Christian life.

The Impacting Guatemala Network (IGN) was founded in January 2010 when God called Oscar & Karla Chiquitó to full-time missionary work. The purpose of IGN is to restore a biblical understanding of God, the gospel, and Christian life to Evangelical Christians so that they can impact society. History shows us that as the local church leaders go, so goes the local church. Therefore, IGN focuses on ministry to pastors, elder boards, and ministry leaders in three areas:  

  1. Bible and Leadership Training. This is about equipping church leaders to study and apply the Bible in their lives so that they can also teach the Bible faithfully. It also empowers them to accomplish God’s mission and vision for the church.

  2. Strategic planning focused on discipleship. Discipleship will only happen if it is intentional. Strategic planning is a process in which church leaders design and implement plans to fulfill the Great Commission through the development of disciple making pathways.

  3. Developing partnerships and networking. Interchurch relationships provide strategic opportunities for mutual discipleship. These partnerships also provide a way of mobilizing resources among churches to build the body of Christ and expand God’s kingdom.

IGN has served more than 140 Evangelical churches across the country of Guatemala who are now intentionally developing disciples of Christ who live out the gospel and impact society. Oscar also partners with other international ministries to train church leaders in other Latin American countries. Join God’s work through Oscar & Karla and the IGN team!