Edgar and Erika Gomez


Edgar and Erika are deeply passionate about seeing people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and seeing His Church thrive, worldwide. They and their three children (Gabriel, Aliana & Caleb) are excited to answer God’s call to help build, equip and encourage the local church in the city of Guadalajara, and throughout Mexico.

Edgar & Erika have a clear vision to change the spiritual skyline of Guadalajara by planting and multiplying life-giving churches that will serve their communities and reach those who are far from God. They are passionate about growing a local church that communicates the Good News of Jesus Christ in a practical and grace-filled manner – a church that focuses on developing Spirit-empowered and kingdom-minded leaders through healthy processes of spiritual formation. They are committed to seeing followers of Christ be mobilized to impact their community, their nation and the world with God’s love and compassion.

Edgar and Erika possess a deep conviction that Guadalajara, a city of almost 6 million people, is a strategic city for kingdom advancement with enormous potential for taking the Gospel to the unreached people groups of Mexico and the world. They have a desire to network with other kingdom-minded leaders in Guadalajara in order to see Christ’s Body become a powerful spiritual force that drives back the darkness and intensifies the Light of Jesus Christ.

Edgar and Erika are graduates of the RHEMA Bible College and have over 15 years of pastoral ministry experience. Edgar also has a degree in Business Management and has developed curriculum and processes for small group ministry formation, leadership development and spiritual growth strategies. Erika has extensive experience in children’s ministry, team and office management, as well as mentoring and helping missionaries prepare for mid and long-term missions work. They have participated in and led numerous mission trips, and enjoy leading family and leadership conferences.

Please pray that the Gomez family will play a key role in building the Body of Christ and transforming the spiritual skyline of Guadalajara, and Mexico.