Jack Rose


Jack is helping people to live a fulfilling, effective, and abundant life with God, themselves, and others; through pastoral care, counseling, and discipleship in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Jack, from Ohio, began a life of ministry in Nashville, TN, with YWAM in September of 1997. The school gave him a heart for the lost. Until 2005, Jack was involved in missions stateside in the USA, as part of a church plant team in India and working with the Adopt-A-People program. Then, in July 2005, he moved to Oaxaca, Mexico, to fulfill God’s plan for his life to work in the harvest fields of Oaxaca, Mexico reaching the unreached peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jack is currently working in the finance department at Oaxaca Christian School, a homeschool co-op. Jack also teaches Spiritual Giftings class at OCS. In addition, Jack is working on building relationships with families in the villages of Oaxaca and community service projects.