


A’s heart is to bring the Gospel message to those who have never heard, and specifically to those in areas where they have never had the opportunity to hear, and those in heavily persecuted areas. As a full-time missionary for over 20 years, God has given her a unique understanding of the needs overseas and special compassion to find creative ways to be more effective for the Kingdom of God in these areas. By partnering with national pastors and community leaders, she can ‘go’ into the most remote places and reach people in areas not accessible to foreigners. She helps to equip these national leaders with in-person and online Bible and discipleship training/resources, educational (English classes, teacher trainings, etc), and vocational (agriculture, medical, etc.) training. These resources are offered for free and in their native languages, and God is using them to create a ripple effect to minister to the nations and reach the lost around the world!