Timothy and Melissa Sudolcan


Timothy will serve as an adjunct professor with Baptist Bible College Asia in Metro Manila, Philippines. Timothy and his wife Melissa desire to use their gifts, time, and family to glorify God and make Him known wherever he sends them.

 God has given the Sudolcans a desire to help young people know the God who created them. Throughout scripture, we see the call to know God. This knowledge comes through a proclamation and study of God’s Word (Deut. 6:7, Pro. 1:8, Mat. 28:20, Acts 8:31). God calls his people to love him with their hearts, souls, and minds (Matt. 22:37). The word informs our minds and transforms our hearts into loving our savior! (Rom. 12:1-2, 2 Pet. 3:18) This incredible truth fuels the Sudolcan’s love for teaching God’s Word.

 Timothy and Melissa desire to see young people zealous for God and his kingdom. They have served in student and college ministry for most of their marriage and love the work God has laid before them. Will you consider praying for their work?

 God has blessed Timothy and Melissa with three children: Eswin, Clive, and Lilias.